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ZMap- high speed web scanner

Experts from the University of Michigan has released Zmap program that is able with one computer connected to the network via Gigabit channel to scan all IPv4 address space in minutes. In the scanning in itself is nothing new: similar studies have been conducted for many years. For example, known hacker HD Moore is dealing with this almost daily from my home. Here it is amazing extremely fast scanning speed, because ZMap uses a botnet of thousands of other people's computers as a research botnet Carna. High-performance Internet scanner ZMap works on the theoretical limit of Ethernet capabilities, fully leveraging the Gigabit channel. Ethernet frames are generated bypassing the TCP/IP stack. On a standard computer with a Gigabit Ethernet connection, ZMap is able to provide a scan rate of 1.4 million packets per second. Unlike Nmap, the new program was initially created with the expectation of scanning the entire network, not a small fragment. The authors of the program hope that their development will be useful to researchers of the Internet. ZMap can be used to explore the use of new protocols, monitoring services and best study the structure and evolution of the global network.

Now let's see how we can install it on Kali Linux.  Installing the Latest ZMap Release

The latest stable release of ZMap is version 2.1.0 and supports Linux, Mac OS, and BSD. It can be installed through the built-in package managers on the following operating systems:

sudo apt-get install zmap

ZMap can be built from source with most recent versions of gcc and the CMake build system. If you are building from source, you will also need the following libraries: GMP, libpcap, Gengetopt, byacc, and flex. These can be installed as follows:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libgmp3-dev libpcap-dev gengetopt byacc flex

If everything executed correctly, then running the command zmap -h, the utility will start.

In the menu, you will see examples of scanning parameters that can be set when scanning.

Download the tool here

See scientific work

Dokumentation here




Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: d1gger (12.12.2015)
Просмотров: 974 | Теги: pentest, IP, tcp, d1gger, Scanner, kalilinux, zmap | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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